Monogramme d'inspiration art déco signe accessoires et ustensiles.

The restaurant

Welcome to the restaurant Brasserie Dufour. Here, every detail is designed to offer you an unforgettable culinary experience, blending French tradition with refined art deco-inspired decor. A true voyage of the senses that will awaken your palate while immersing you in an atmosphere that's sure to please. sweet andonvivial.

With its clean lines, noble materials and retro touches, the restaurant invites you to take a modern, elegant break. Antique chandeliers, tiles from mosaics and selected furnishings offer the ideal setting for a business dinner, a family luncha gourmet aperitif with friends.

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The chef's know-how, precision of gesture, quality products and equipment are the key to dishes with exceptional flavours. And it's right before our eyes, from the open kitchen, that the magic happens.

Like the place itself, the welcome is warm and attentive, and the waiters and the maître d'hôtel guide and advise you through the menu of dishes and wines, for a gastronomic moment that's as friendly as it is delicious.

Verrerie, couverts et linge de table brodé forment une belle harmonie
Savoir-faire et produis de qualité au service d'une cuisine savoureuse.

Pièce centrale de la cuisine, un fourneau haut de gamme

Ustensiles et matériel professionnels pour des recettes mijotées.